One of the largest family law practices in the Bay Area, offering the spectrum of client services and process options.
The Family Law Group of Lakin Spears, LLP consists of an experienced and talented group of attorneys who offer a full spectrum of client services and process options. We specialize in handling all types of family law cases and levels of complexity throughout the State of California, focusing on the greater Silicon Valley area for litigation matters, including San Mateo, Santa Clara and San Francisco Counties. Our areas of expertise include:
- Division of assets
- Complex financial issues
- Private equity
- Venture capital interests
- Executive and equity compensation
- Business interests
- Spousal support
- Child support
- Custody and parenting issues
- Modifications for support and custody
- Pre-marital and post-marital agreements
- Estate planning and family law cross-over issues
- Living-together agreements
We offer a variety of approaches to resolving your family law matter and provide you the education to determine which approach would be optimal for you:
- Mediation
- Collaborative Divorce
- Traditional representation or litigation (in public court or with a private judge)
Each family law case is unique. Our role as your attorney is to educate you and guide you through what can be a complex and challenging experience. This requires a careful and strategic analysis of substantive issues as well as consideration of what process option will best achieve your goals. With the experience of our attorneys comes an understanding and appreciation of the deeply personal and sensitive nature of your family law matter. We believe that as advocates, successfully navigating the emotional aspects of a family law matter may be as important as achieving a favorable legal outcome.
Our practice group works as a team, with input from attorneys in our firm’s other practice groups for specialized help in real estate, business, and tax matters. We also work closely with consulting and forensic experts, such as accountants, appraisers, vocational evaluators, and mental health professionals.
Our attorneys exhibit a high degree of professionalism. We have developed strong ties within the family law community through the years dedicated to the exclusive practice of family law and participation by our attorneys in a variety of local, statewide, and national family law organizations.
The group has been named as one of the Best Law Firms in the San Francisco Bay Area every year since 2011 by U.S. News & Best Lawyers®.